CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 15
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 15 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-10].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
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all copies.
/* zcie.c */
/* CIE color operators */
#include "math_.h"
#include "memory_.h"
#include "ghost.h"
#include "errors.h"
#include "oper.h"
#include "gsstruct.h"
#include "gxcspace.h" /* gscolor2.h requires gscspace.h */
#include "gscolor2.h"
#include "gscie.h"
#include "estack.h"
#include "ialloc.h"
#include "idict.h"
#include "idparam.h"
#include "igstate.h"
#include "icie.h"
#include "isave.h"
#include "ivmspace.h"
#include "store.h" /* for make_null */
/* CIE color dictionaries are so complex that */
/* we handle the CIE case of setcolorspace separately here. */
/* Forward references */
private int cache_common(P4(gs_cie_common *, const ref_cie_procs *,
void *, const gs_state *));
/* Allocator structure types for CIE structures */
/* Empty procedures */
static ref empty_procs[4];
/* Original CIE color space types. */
/* We use CIExxx rather than CIEBasedxxx in some places because */
/* gcc under VMS only retains 23 characters of procedure names, */
/* and DEC C truncates all identifiers at 31 characters. */
extern const gs_color_space_type
/* Redefined CIE color space types (that load the cache when installed) */
private cs_proc_install_cspace(cs_install_zCIEDEFG);
private cs_proc_install_cspace(cs_install_zCIEDEF);
private cs_proc_install_cspace(cs_install_zCIEABC);
private cs_proc_install_cspace(cs_install_zCIEA);
/* Initialization */
private void
/* Make the null (default) transformation procedures. */
make_empty_const_array(&empty_procs[0], a_readonly + a_executable);
make_empty_const_array(&empty_procs[1], a_readonly + a_executable);
make_empty_const_array(&empty_procs[2], a_readonly + a_executable);
make_empty_const_array(&empty_procs[3], a_readonly + a_executable);
/* Create the modified color space types. */
cs_type_zCIEDEFG = gs_color_space_type_CIEDEFG;
cs_type_zCIEDEFG.install_cspace = cs_install_zCIEDEFG;
cs_type_zCIEDEF = gs_color_space_type_CIEDEF;
cs_type_zCIEDEF.install_cspace = cs_install_zCIEDEF;
cs_type_zCIEABC = gs_color_space_type_CIEABC;
cs_type_zCIEABC.install_cspace = cs_install_zCIEABC;
cs_type_zCIEA = gs_color_space_type_CIEA;
cs_type_zCIEA.install_cspace = cs_install_zCIEA;
/* ------ Parameter extraction utilities ------ */
/* Get a range array parameter from a dictionary. */
/* We know that count <= 4. */
dict_ranges_param(const ref *pdref, const char _ds *kstr, int count,
gs_range *prange)
{ int code = dict_float_array_param(pdref, kstr, count * 2,
(float *)prange, NULL);
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
else if ( code == 0 )
memcpy(prange, Range4_default.ranges, count * sizeof(gs_range));
else if ( code != count * 2 )
return 0;
/* Get an array of procedures from a dictionary. */
/* We know count <= countof(empty_procs). */
dict_proc_array_param(const ref *pdict, const char _ds *kstr,
uint count, ref *pparray)
{ ref *pvalue;
if ( dict_find_string(pdict, kstr, &pvalue) > 0 )
{ uint i;
if ( r_size(pvalue) != count )
for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
{ ref proc;
array_get(pvalue, (long)i, &proc);
*pparray = *pvalue;
make_const_array(pparray, a_readonly | avm_foreign,
count, &empty_procs[0]);
return 0;
/* Get WhitePoint and BlackPoint values. */
cie_points_param(const ref *pdref, gs_cie_wb *pwb)
{ int code;
if ( (code = dict_float_array_param(pdref, "WhitePoint", 3, (float *)&pwb->WhitePoint, NULL)) != 3 ||
(code = dict_float_array_param(pdref, "BlackPoint", 3, (float *)&pwb->BlackPoint, (const float *)&BlackPoint_default)) != 3
return (code < 0 ? code : gs_note_error(e_rangecheck));
if ( pwb->WhitePoint.u <= 0 ||
pwb->WhitePoint.v != 1 ||
pwb->WhitePoint.w <= 0 ||
pwb->BlackPoint.u < 0 ||
pwb->BlackPoint.v < 0 ||
pwb->BlackPoint.w < 0
return 0;
/* Process a 3- or 4-dimensional lookup table from a dictionary. */
/* The caller has set pclt->n and pclt->m. */
/* ptref is known to be a readable array of size at least n+1. */
private int cie_3d_table_param(P4(const ref *ptable, uint count, uint nbytes,
gs_const_string *strings));
cie_table_param(const ref *ptref, gx_color_lookup_table *pclt,
gs_memory_t *mem)
{ int n = pclt->n, m = pclt->m;
const ref *pta = ptref->value.const_refs;
int i;
uint nbytes;
int code;
gs_const_string *table;
for ( i = 0; i < n; ++i )
{ check_type_only(pta[i], t_integer);
if ( pta[i].value.intval <= 1 || pta[i].value.intval > max_ushort )
pclt->dims[i] = (int)pta[i].value.intval;
nbytes = m * pclt->dims[n-2] * pclt->dims[n-1];
if ( n == 3 )
{ /* gs_alloc_byte_array is ****** WRONG ****** */
table =
(gs_const_string *)gs_alloc_byte_array(mem, pclt->dims[0],
if ( table == 0 )
code = cie_3d_table_param(pta + 3, pclt->dims[0], nbytes,
else /* n == 4 */
{ int d0 = pclt->dims[0], d1 = pclt->dims[1];
uint ntables = d0 * d1;
const ref *psuba;
check_read_type(pta[4], t_array);
if ( r_size(pta + 4) != d0 )
/* gs_alloc_byte_array is ****** WRONG ****** */
table =
(gs_const_string *)gs_alloc_byte_array(mem, ntables,
if ( table == 0 )
psuba = pta[4].value.const_refs;
for ( i = 0; i < d0; ++i )
{ code = cie_3d_table_param(psuba + i, d1, nbytes,
table + d1 * i);
if ( code < 0 )
if ( code < 0 )
{ gs_free_object(mem, table, "cie_table_param");
return code;
pclt->table = table;
return 0;
private int
cie_3d_table_param(const ref *ptable, uint count, uint nbytes,
gs_const_string *strings)
{ const ref *rstrings;
uint i;
check_read_type(*ptable, t_array);
if ( r_size(ptable) != count )
rstrings = ptable->value.const_refs;
for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
{ const ref *prt2 = rstrings + i;
check_read_type(*prt2, t_string);
if ( r_size(prt2) != nbytes )
strings[i].data = rstrings[i].value.const_bytes;
strings[i].size = nbytes;
return 0;
/* ------ CIE setcolorspace ------ */
/* Common code for the CIEBased* cases of setcolorspace. */
private int
cie_lmnp_param(const ref *pdref, gs_cie_common *pcie, ref_cie_procs *pcprocs)
{ int code;
if ( (code = dict_range3_param(pdref, "RangeLMN", &pcie->RangeLMN)) < 0 ||
(code = dict_proc3_param(pdref, "DecodeLMN", &pcprocs->DecodeLMN)) < 0 ||
(code = dict_matrix3_param(pdref, "MatrixLMN", &pcie->MatrixLMN)) != matrix3_ok ||
(code = cie_points_param(pdref, &pcie->points)) < 0
return (code < 0 ? code : gs_note_error(e_rangecheck));
pcie->DecodeLMN = DecodeLMN_default;
return 0;
/* Common code for the CIEBasedABC/DEF[G] cases of setcolorspace. */
private int
cie_abc_param(const ref *pdref, gs_cie_abc_common *pcie,
ref_cie_procs *pcprocs)
{ int code;
if ( (code = dict_range3_param(pdref, "RangeABC", &pcie->RangeABC)) < 0 ||
(code = dict_proc3_param(pdref, "DecodeABC", &pcprocs->Decode.ABC)) < 0 ||
(code = dict_matrix3_param(pdref, "MatrixABC", &pcie->MatrixABC)) != matrix3_ok ||
(code = cie_lmnp_param(pdref, &pcie->common, pcprocs)) < 0
return (code < 0 ? code : gs_note_error(e_rangecheck));
pcie->DecodeABC = DecodeABC_default;
return 0;
/* Finish setting a CIE space. */
private int
set_cie_finish(os_ptr op, gs_color_space *pcs, const ref_cie_procs *pcprocs)
{ ref_colorspace cspace_old;
uint edepth = ref_stack_count(&e_stack);
int code;
/* The color space installation procedure may refer to */
/* istate->colorspace.procs. */
cspace_old = istate->colorspace;
istate->colorspace.procs.cie = *pcprocs;
code = gs_setcolorspace(igs, pcs);
if ( code < 0 )
{ istate->colorspace = cspace_old;
ref_stack_pop_to(&e_stack, edepth);
return code;
return (ref_stack_count(&e_stack) == edepth ? 0 : o_push_estack); /* installation will load the caches */
#ifdef NEW_CIE /**************** ****************/
/* <dict> .setciedefgspace - */
private int
zsetciedefgspace(register os_ptr op)
{ gs_memory_t *mem = gs_state_memory(igs);
gs_color_space cs;
ref_color_procs procs;
gs_cie_defg *pcie;
int code;
ref *ptref;
check_type(*op, t_dictionary);
procs = istate->colorspace.procs;
rc_alloc_struct_0(pcie, gs_cie_defg, &st_cie_defg, mem,
if ( (code = dict_find_string(op, "Table", &ptref)) <= 0 )
return (code < 0 ? code : gs_note_error(e_rangecheck));
check_read_type(*ptref, t_array);
if ( r_size(ptref) != 5 )
pcie->Table.n = 4;
pcie->Table.m = 3;
if ( (code = dict_ranges_param(op, "RangeDEFG", 4, pcie->RangeDEFG.ranges)) < 0 ||
(code = dict_proc_array_param(op, "DecodeDEFG", 4, &procs.cie.PreDecode.DEFG)) < 0 ||
(code = dict_ranges_param(op, "RangeHIJK", 4, pcie->RangeHIJK.ranges)) < 0 ||
(code = cie_table_param(ptref, &pcie->Table, mem)) < 0 ||
(code = cie_abc_param(op, &pcie->abc, &procs.cie)) < 0
{ rc_free_struct(pcie, mem, "setcolorspace(CIEBasedDEFG)");
return code;
cs.params.defg = pcie;
cs.type = &cs_type_zCIEDEFG;
return set_cie_finish(op, &cs, &procs.cie);
/* <dict> .setciedefspace - */
private int
zsetciedefspace(register os_ptr op)
{ gs_memory_t *mem = gs_state_memory(igs);
gs_color_space cs;
ref_color_procs procs;
gs_cie_def *pcie;
int code;
ref *ptref;
check_type(*op, t_dictionary);
procs = istate->colorspace.procs;
rc_alloc_struct_0(pcie, gs_cie_def, &st_cie_def, mem,
if ( (code = dict_find_string(op, "Table", &ptref)) <= 0 )
return (code < 0 ? code : gs_note_error(e_rangecheck));
check_read_type(*ptref, t_array);
if ( r_size(ptref) != 4 )
pcie->Table.n = 4;
pcie->Table.m = 3;
if ( (code = dict_range3_param(op, "RangeDEF", &pcie->RangeDEF)) < 0 ||
(code = dict_proc3_param(op, "DecodeDEF", &procs.cie.PreDecode.DEF)) < 0 ||
(code = dict_range3_param(op, "RangeHIJ", &pcie->RangeHIJ)) < 0 ||
(code = cie_table_param(ptref, &pcie->Table, mem)) < 0 ||
(code = cie_abc_param(op, &pcie->abc, &procs.cie)) < 0
{ rc_free_struct(pcie, mem, "setcolorspace(CIEBasedDEF)");
return code;
cs.params.def = pcie;
cs.type = &cs_type_zCIEDEF;
return set_cie_finish(op, &cs, &procs.cie);
#endif /*NEW_CIE*/ /**************** ****************/
/* <dict> .setcieabcspace - */
private int
zsetcieabcspace(register os_ptr op)
{ gs_memory_t *mem = gs_state_memory(igs);
gs_color_space cs;
ref_color_procs procs;
gs_cie_abc *pcie;
int code;
check_type(*op, t_dictionary);
procs = istate->colorspace.procs;
rc_alloc_struct_0(pcie, gs_cie_abc, &st_cie_abc, mem,
code = cie_abc_param(op, pcie, &procs.cie);
if ( code < 0 )
{ rc_free_struct(pcie, "setcolorspace(CIEBasedABC)");
return code;
cs.params.abc = pcie;
cs.type = &cs_type_zCIEABC;
return set_cie_finish(op, &cs, &procs.cie);
/* <dict> .setcieaspace - */
private int
zsetcieaspace(register os_ptr op)
{ gs_memory_t *mem = gs_state_memory(igs);
gs_color_space cs;
ref_color_procs procs;
gs_cie_a *pcie;
int code;
check_type(*op, t_dictionary);
procs = istate->colorspace.procs;
if ( (code = dict_proc_param(op, "DecodeA", &procs.cie.Decode.A, true)) < 0 )
return code;
rc_alloc_struct_0(pcie, gs_cie_a, &st_cie_a, mem,
if ( (code = dict_float_array_param(op, "RangeA", 2, (float *)&pcie->RangeA, (const float *)&RangeA_default)) != 2 ||
(code = dict_float_array_param(op, "MatrixA", 3, (float *)&pcie->MatrixA, (const float *)&MatrixA_default)) != 3 ||
(code = cie_lmnp_param(op, &pcie->common, &procs.cie)) < 0
{ rc_free_struct(pcie, "setcolorspace(CIEBasedA)");
return (code < 0 ? code : gs_note_error(e_rangecheck));
pcie->DecodeA = DecodeA_default;
cs.params.a = pcie;
cs.type = &cs_type_zCIEA;
return set_cie_finish(op, &cs, &procs.cie);
/* ------ Install a CIE-based color space. ------ */
/* The new CIEBasedDEF[G] spaces aren't really implemented yet.... */
private int
cs_install_zCIEDEFG(gs_color_space *pcs, gs_state *pgs)
{ return_error(e_undefined);
private int
cs_install_zCIEDEF(gs_color_space *pcs, gs_state *pgs)
{ return_error(e_undefined);
private int cie_abc_finish(P1(os_ptr));
private int
cs_install_zCIEABC(gs_color_space *pcs, gs_state *pgs)
{ es_ptr ep = esp;
gs_cie_abc *pcie = pcs->params.abc;
const int_gstate *pigs = gs_int_gstate(pgs);
const ref_cie_procs *pcprocs = &pigs->colorspace.procs.cie;
int code =
(*gs_color_space_type_CIEABC.install_cspace)(pcs, pgs); /* former routine */
if ( code < 0 ||
(code = cie_cache_joint(&pigs->colorrendering.procs, pgs)) < 0 || /* do this last */
(code = cie_cache_push_finish(cie_abc_finish, pgs, pcie)) < 0 ||
#ifdef NEW_CIE
(code = cie_prepare_cache3(&pcie->abc.RangeABC, pcprocs->Decode.ABC.value.const_refs, &pcie->abc.caches.DecodeABC[0], pcie, pgs, "Decode.ABC")) < 0 ||
(code = cache_common(&pcie->abc.common, pcprocs, pcie, pgs)) < 0
(code = cie_prepare_cache3(&pcie->RangeABC, pcprocs->Decode.ABC.value.const_refs, &pcie->caches.DecodeABC[0], pcie, pgs, "Decode.ABC")) < 0 ||
(code = cache_common(&pcie->common, pcprocs, pcie, pgs)) < 0
{ esp = ep;
return code;
return o_push_estack;
private int
cie_abc_finish(os_ptr op)
{ gs_cie_abc_complete(r_ptr(op, gs_cie_abc));
return 0;
private int cie_a_finish(P1(os_ptr));
private int
cs_install_zCIEA(gs_color_space *pcs, gs_state *pgs)
{ es_ptr ep = esp;
gs_cie_a *pcie = pcs->params.a;
const int_gstate *pigs = gs_int_gstate(pgs);
const ref_cie_procs *pcprocs = &pigs->colorspace.procs.cie;
int code =
(*gs_color_space_type_CIEA.install_cspace)(pcs, pgs); /* former routine */
if ( code < 0 ||
(code = cie_cache_joint(&pigs->colorrendering.procs, pgs)) < 0 || /* do this last */
(code = cie_cache_push_finish(cie_a_finish, pgs, pcie)) < 0 ||
(code = cie_prepare_cache(&pcie->RangeA, &pcprocs->Decode.A, &pcie->caches.DecodeA.floats, pcie, pgs, "Decode.A")) < 0 ||
(code = cache_common(&pcie->common, pcprocs, pcie, pgs)) < 0
{ esp = ep;
return code;
return o_push_estack;
private int
cie_a_finish(os_ptr op)
{ gs_cie_a_complete(r_ptr(op, gs_cie_a));
return 0;
/* Common cache code */
private int
cache_common(gs_cie_common *pcie, const ref_cie_procs *pcprocs,
void *container, const gs_state *pgs)
{ return cie_prepare_cache3(&pcie->RangeLMN,
&pcie->caches.DecodeLMN[0], container, pgs,
/* ------ Internal routines ------ */
/* Prepare to cache the values for one or more procedures. */
private int cie_cache_finish(P1(os_ptr));
cie_prepare_cache(const gs_range *domain, const ref *proc,
cie_cache_floats *pcache, void *container, const gs_state *pgs,
client_name_t cname)
{ int space = imemory_space((gs_ref_memory_t *)gs_state_memory(pgs));
gs_for_loop_params flp;
register es_ptr ep;
ep = esp;
gs_cie_cache_init(&pcache->params, &flp, domain, cname);
pcache->params.is_identity = r_size(proc) == 0;
make_real(ep + 9, flp.init);
make_real(ep + 8, flp.step);
make_real(ep + 7, flp.limit);
ep[6] = *proc;
r_clear_attrs(ep + 6, a_executable);
make_op_estack(ep + 5, zcvx);
make_op_estack(ep + 4, zfor);
make_op_estack(ep + 3, cie_cache_finish);
* The caches are embedded in the middle of other
* structures, so we represent the pointer to the cache
* as a pointer to the container plus an offset.
make_int(ep + 2, (char *)pcache - (char *)container);
make_struct(ep + 1, space, container);
esp += 9;
return o_push_estack;
private int
cie_prepare_caches(const gs_range *domains, const ref *procs,
cie_cache_floats **ppc, int count, void *container, const gs_state *pgs,
client_name_t cname)
{ int i, code = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
if ( (code = cie_prepare_cache(domains + i, procs + i, ppc[i],
container, pgs, cname)) < 0
return code;
return code;
cie_prepare_caches_3(const gs_range3 *domains, const ref *procs,
cie_cache_floats *pc0, cie_cache_floats *pc1, cie_cache_floats *pc2,
void *container, const gs_state *pgs, client_name_t cname)
{ cie_cache_floats *pc3[3];
pc3[0] = pc0, pc3[1] = pc1, pc3[2] = pc2;
return cie_prepare_caches((const gs_range *)domains, procs, pc3, 3,
container, pgs, cname);
/* Store the result of caching one procedure. */
private int
cie_cache_finish(os_ptr op)
{ cie_cache_floats *pcache;
int code;
/* See above for the container + offset representation of */
/* the pointer to the cache. */
pcache = (cie_cache_floats *)(r_ptr(esp - 1, char) + esp->value.intval);
code = num_params(op, gx_cie_cache_size, &pcache->values[0]);
if_debug3('c', "[c]cache 0x%lx base=%g, factor=%g:\n",
(ulong)pcache, pcache->params.base, pcache->params.factor);
if ( code < 0 )
{ /* We might have underflowed the current stack block. */
/* Handle the parameters one-by-one. */
uint i;
for ( i = 0; i < gx_cie_cache_size; i++ )
{ code = real_param(ref_stack_index(&o_stack,
gx_cie_cache_size - 1 - i),
if ( code < 0 )
return code;
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( gs_debug_c('c') )
{ int i;
for ( i = 0; i < gx_cie_cache_size; i += 4 )
dprintf5("[c] cache[%3d]=%g, %g, %g, %g\n", i,
pcache->values[i], pcache->values[i + 1],
pcache->values[i + 2], pcache->values[i + 3]);
ref_stack_pop(&o_stack, gx_cie_cache_size);
esp -= 2; /* pop pointer to cache */
return o_pop_estack;
/* Push a finishing procedure on the e-stack. */
/* ptr will be the top element of the o-stack. */
cie_cache_push_finish(int (*proc)(P1(os_ptr)), gs_state *pgs, void *ptr)
{ check_estack(2);
make_struct(esp, imemory_space((gs_ref_memory_t *)gs_state_memory(pgs)), ptr);
return o_push_estack;
/* ------ Initialization procedure ------ */
BEGIN_OP_DEFS(zcie_l2_op_defs) {
{"1.setcieaspace", zsetcieaspace},
{"1.setcieabcspace", zsetcieabcspace},
#ifdef NEW_CIE
{"1.setciedefspace", zsetciedefspace},
{"1.setciedefgspace", zsetciedefgspace},
/* Internal operators */
{"1%cie_abc_finish", cie_abc_finish},
{"1%cie_a_finish", cie_a_finish},
{"0%cie_cache_finish", cie_cache_finish},
END_OP_DEFS(zcie_init) }